Fellowships are one of the best ways to fund your graduate education. UC Santa Cruz Division of Graduate Studies encourages all graduate students to apply for fellowships.
Fellowships provide financial support for graduate students to enhance their professional development and develop into independent scholars with their own unique research agendas. Fellowships can provide mentored training experiences, fund independent research, support international travel, cover educational and living expenses, and much more. Fellowships vary in amount and support time, ranging from a couple of months to years; some awards are one-time and others are multi-year or eligible for renewal.
- Fellowships through the UCSC Graduate Division
- Dean’s Travel Grant
- Housing Supplement
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- GradSense (Council of Graduate Schools)
- Slug Cents
Online Fellowships Resources
All current and prospective graduate students should consider applying for fellowships. You can apply for fellowships even before you are admitted to a graduate program.
- ABE Fellowship Program
- AGU Congressional Science Fellowship
- Archaeological Institute of California
- Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
- Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy
- Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities
- Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF)
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Ford Foundation Fellowships
- Fulbright Student Program
- Gardner Fellowship on Higher Education
- GEM Fellowship Program
- GSA Fellowships and Research Support for Porter Graduate Students
- Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship
- Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship Program
- Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships
- IBM PhD Fellowship Award
- IDRF Fellowship Announcement
- IGERT Programs
- International Peace Scholarship
- Lawrence Fellowship Program
- Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund Gran
- Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship in French Studies
- Microsoft Diversity Conference Scholarship
- Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degree’s Professional Development Program
- NASA Harriett G. Perkins Predoctoral Fellowship Project
- National Center for Atmospheric Research Postdoc Fellowship
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program (NDSEG)
- National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP)
- Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
- National Institutes of Health Grant (NIH)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Office for Coastal Management
- Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for new Americans, The
- Research on Toxics Grants and Fellowships
- Science & Justice Working Group
- Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Education Program
- Sigma Delta Epsilon’s Graduate Women in Science Fellowships & Grants
- Sloan Research Fellowships
- Social Science Resource Council
- Spencer Foundation
- UC Accord Fellowship
- UC HSI DDI Pre-Professoriate Fellows
- UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- UCR Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Udall Foundation Environmental Public Policy & Conflict Resolution Dissertation Fellowship
- U.S Department of Homeland Security
- Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Minority Fellowships
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Fellowship
- American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowships
- American Educational Research Association (AERA): Dissertation Grants
- American Educational Research Association (AERA): Minority Fellowships in Education Research
- American Educational Research Association (AERA): Research Grants
- American Institute of India Studies
- American Political Science Association (APSA): Minority Fellows Program
- Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship
- Ford Foundation: Fellowships for Minorities
- Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada: Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship (Masterís program)
- Korea Foundation: Fellowships for Field Research
- Korean-American Scholarship Foundation (KASF): KASF Scholarships
- Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees
- National Center for Atmospheric Research Postdoc Fellowship
- New York Sea Grant Office (NYSG)
- Phillips Exeter Academy Dissertation Year Fellowship
- SMART Education Program
- Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector: Dissertation Research Fellowship
- UC HSI DDI Pre-Professoriate Fellows
- UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- UCR Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- United Negro College Fund
Search for Fellowships
UCLA GRAPES is a free, public database filled with scholarships, grants, fellowships, and awards for graduate and postdoctoral scholars. It helps students in any graduate program, and those working on a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, find funding. Explore now to see what opportunities are available for your academic goals.
Stay Eligible for Financial Aid
To ensure that you stay eligible for Financial Aid, ensure that you meet the minimum requirements to maintain Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress. See Financial Aid’s website for the Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress minimum requirements.