Close-up photo of flora and berries, taken on the UC Santa Cruz campus

Degree Progress

As stated in the Graduate Student Handbook:

Full-time study

Full-time graduate students are expected to complete their degree objectives within the following maximum time frames:


One calendar year from the date of first enrollment in the program


Three calendar years from the date of first enrollment in the program


Six calendar years for all programs except Anthropology, History, History of Consciousness, and Literature, where it is seven years.

Part-time study

Part-time graduate students are subject to the same provisions as full-time students, except that satisfactory progress toward degree completion is measured at a minimum of one course per quarter or three courses per academic year, and the maximum time frame is prorated accordingly:


Two calendar years


Six calendar years


Eleven calendar years (eight years to advance to candidacy and an additional three years to complete the dissertation).

For the purpose of measuring satisfactory academic progress, course incomplete, withdrawals, repetitions, and noncredit courses do not count as courses completed.

Typical progress in a Master’s program often includes coursework completion in the first year or start of the second year followed by submission of a Thesis or Project at the end of the second year. For requirements and timelines for specific programs please visit the program’s page in the Smart Catalog.

Typical progress in PhD program often includes coursework completion in the second year followed by a Qualifying Examination and Advancement to Candidacy in the third year and submission of the Dissertation at the end of the sixth year. For requirements and timelines for specific programs or details on Qualifying Exam requirements please visit the program’s page in the Smart Catalog.

See Also

Last modified: Sep 14, 2024