Applications and Forms
Please fill in the information fields in forms electronically* when possible, then print for original signature. International students should consult their international student advisor before requesting any status changes.
* All forms are in interactive pdf format; they can be filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader (Mac or PC) or Preview (Mac). If you are having problems viewing or filling out forms, you may need to upgrade your browser and / or download and install the latest version of Acrobat Reader (free).
On this page
- Registration & Enrollment
- Degree Progress & Advancement
- Graduation & Thesis/Dissertation Submission
- Academic Misconduct Reporting
Registration & Enrollment
- Application for In-Absentia Status (pdf)
For students who need to leave the state of California to conduct research related to their graduate education. - Application for Part-Time Status (pdf)
For students who have approval to enroll for one-half (or less) of the regular course load of fifteen credits. Sponsored and international graduate students cannot attend on part-time status. - Application for Filing Fee Status (pdf)
For students in their last quarter before graduating who are not enrolling in classes: Obtain your reading committee and department signatures. Students on filing fee status may not enroll in classes or hold student employment positions. You cannot repeat Filing Fee status. - Request of Leave of Absence (pdf)
Granted for approved educational reasons, health reasons, financial problems, or family responsibilities; valid for one year but may be extended if sufficient justification. - Petition for Withdrawal (pdf)
This petition is to be filed by any graduate student who wishes to withdraw enrollment from all currently enrolled classes after the beginning of the quarter. If you are also requesting a leave of absence, please complete the Request for Leave of Absence form in addition to this petition. - Graduate Studies Application for Readmission (pdf)
For students who withdrew to be readmitted and resume their graduate education. - Petition for Transfer of Graduate Program (pdf)
For current students to change degree objectives.
- Application for the Intercampus Exchange Program for Graduate Students (pdf)
For students conducting research and enrolling in coursework at another UC campus. - Petition for Graduate Individual Studies Form (pdf)
For students to enroll in an independent study course for any summer session term.
Degree Progress & Advancement
Committee Nomination Forms
- Master’s Thesis Reading Committee (pdf)
To notify the Division of Graduate Studies of your committee; submit by the end of the second week of the quarter the degree will be awarded. - Committee Nomination of Doctorate Qualifying Examination (pdf)
For students preparing for their qualifying examinations. The committee must be approved by the vice provost and dean of the Graduate Division before the exam takes place. - Nominations for Dissertation Reading Committee (pdf)
Requests approval from the Division of Graduate Studies for a student’s dissertation reading committee. Committee must have at least three members, and at least half of the committee must be members of the UC Santa Cruz Division of the Academic Senate.
Qualifying & Advancement
- Report on Language Requirement (pdf)
Must be completed by faculty who have examined the student for the faculty’s program’s language requirement for doctoral students. Faculty should complete and submit with or before submitting the student’s qualifying examination committee members. - Report on Qualifying Examinations (pdf)
Completed by a student’s qualifying examination committee and forwarded to the Division of Graduate Studies. After passing qualifiying exams, the student advances to candidacy.
Extension of Normative Time
- Request for Program Extension of Normative Time (pdf)
Students who have not completed their degrees within the maximum allowed time (6 academic years for doctorate, 3 academic years for Masters) or who haven’t advanced to candidacy by the end of their fourth academic year must request an extension to receive financial aid. - Request to Extend Normative Time for Child-Related Event (pdf)
Extension shall be granted on request for up to one year per child-related event (childbirth or adoption, illness, etc.).
Graduation & Thesis/Dissertation Submission
Degree Applications (Graduation) & Commencement
- Application for the Master’s Degree (pdf)
Complete this form and submit to your program adviser for the appropriate department approval to apply to graduate with a terminal or non-terminal master’s degree. Forms should be submitted by the deadline on the Academic Calendar. - Application for the Doctor’s (Ph.D., D.M.A., Ed.D.) Degree (pdf)
Complete this form and obtain your dissertation chair’s signature and department signature to apply to graduate with a doctoral degree. Forms should be submitted by the deadline on the Academic Calendar. - Graduate Commencement website
Details regarding all things relating to commencement: location, time, speakers, visitor information, etc.
Thesis & Dissertation Submission
- Dissertation and Thesis Guidelines Graduate Council has established guidelines for uniformity in the physical format of the manuscript.
- Guide to Supplemental Material
How to include supplementary materials with your thesis or dissertation as separate attachments, including computer code, research data, audio or video files, and images or maps that are not part of the primary pdf. - Dissertation and Thesis Checklist
A to-do list for graduating students - ProQuest Online Dissertation Submission
Make your thesis or dissertation available to the research community with ProQuest ETD Administrator at etdadmin.com/main/home.
Doctoral Exit Packet
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Survey of Earned Doctorates
- UCSC Doctoral Placement Survey for all students receiving a doctoral degree.
Academic Misconduct Reporting
- Academic Misconduct Report Form for Graduate Students (pdf)
- Both the instructor and student should complete this form, and the instructor should forward it to the vice provost and dean of the Graduate Division, along with copies of evidence. The instructor and student should keep a copy of this form.
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