Teaching Assistant Positions
View currently open TA positions
(must be signed into your UCSC Google account).
The Division of Graduate Studies has created the TA Jobs Google Group to aid graduate students in finding teaching assistantships outside of their home department. Department managers who need to fill TA vacancies will post job announcements, along with required qualifications and application instructions, to the the group.
Graduate students interested in receiving these posting should visit the TA Jobs Google Group site or opt into the emails from the group using the instructions below. Group email delivery options allow students to either receive posts by email immediately or as daily summaries.
To receive postings by email
- Go to the TA Jobs Google Group at https://groups.google.com/a/ucsc.edu/forum/?hl=en#!forum/tajobs-group. (You must be logged into your UCSC Google account for the link to work.)
- If you are not already logged into your Google account, you will be asked to click the link to sign into it. This group is restricted to UCSC Google accounts (YourCruzID @ ucsc [DOT] edu).
- Click Join Group.
- Select your email delivery preference and click Join this group.
Only approved department staff are able to post to the group. Student members can reply to posters directly but are not able to reply to or write to the group.