Logo for Graduate Research Symposium 2024

2024 Winners

Photo of Best Presentation winner Brynna Downey with Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Peter Biehl and Physical and Biological Sciences Dean Bryan Gaensler

Brynna Downey

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Poster: The History of Titan Hidden in How It Spins

Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Peter Biehl (left) presents the Best Overall Presentation of the Symposium Certificate to Brynna Downey (center) with Physical and Biological Sciences Dean Bryan Gaensler (right)

Photo of Best Presentation of the Arts Division winner Stephanie Valadez with Arts Division Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Stephanie Valadez

Talk: (Mis)translation and Appropriation: Indigenous Resilience in Colonial Reverberations

Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu (left) presents the Best Presentation of the Arts Division Certificate to Stephanie Valadez (right)

Photo of Best Presentation of Baskin Engineering winner Vikas Peddu with Dean of Baskin School of Engineering Alexander Wolf

Vikas Peddu

Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics
Talk: Tiny Tech, Big Impact: Nanopore Sequencing vs. Cancer

Dean of Baskin School of Engineering Alexander Wolf (left) presents the Best Presentation of Baskin Engineering Certificate to Vikas Peddu (right)

Photo of Best Presentation of the Humanities Division winner Emre Keser with Dean of the Humanities Division Jasmine Alinder

Emre Keser

History of Conciousness
Talk: Man/Monster/State: Genealogies of the Nation-State and the (In)Human

Dean of the Humanities Division Jasmine Alinder (right) presents the Best Presentation of the Humanities Division Certificate to Emre Keser (left)

Photo of Best Presentation of the Humanities Division winner Ellie Fisher with Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences Bryan Gaensler

Ellie Fisher

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Talk: Guanfacine Ameliorates Manganese-Induced ADHD-Like Symptoms: Impulsivity and Sensorimotor Deficits

Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences Bryan Gaensler (right) presents the Best Presentation of the Physical and Biological Sciences Division Certificate to Ellie Fisher (left)

Photo of Best Presentation of the Humanities Division winner Ellie Fisher with Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences Bryan Gaensler

Laura Rodriguez Velandia

Chemistry and Biochemistry
Talk: Chemical Imaging at the Disco: Pyrroles

Dean of Physical and Biological Sciences Bryan Gaensler (left) presents the Best Presentation of the Physical and Biological Sciences Division Certificate to Laura Rodriguez Velandia (right)

Photo of Best Presentation of the Social Sciences Division winner Piyush Gandhi with Psychology Professor Su-hua Wang

Piyush Gandhi

Talk: Extinguishing the Blaze: Reducing Crop Residue Burning in India

Psychology Professor Su-hua Wang (right) presents the Best Presentation of the Social Sciences Division Certificate to Piyush Gandhi (left)

NameDivisionProgramPresentation Title
Alvarado Cantero, LucíaSocial SciencesEducationForcibly Displaced Learning: The Educational Journey of Refugee Children from Central America and Mexico to the U.S. Border

Crosby, Alison
Baskin EngineeringComputational MediaImmersive Evacuation: Harnessing Virtual Reality for Wildfire Preparedness and Education

Johns, MJ
Baskin EngineeringComputational MediaPlayful Solutions to Serious Problems
NameDivisionProgramPresentation Title
Alicea, JoeHumanitiesLiteratureWriting/Rioting on Division Street: Puerto Rican Chicago and the “Rainbow Poets”
Beulke, AnnePhysical and Biological SciencesOcean SciencesFishing for Answers: Demystifying the Variation in Migration Patterns of Steelhead Trout

Butingan, Leonard
HumanitiesHistoryEuropean Horizons of the Late Twentieth Century Anti-Racist Struggle in Britain
Carrillo, ElsiePhysical and Biological SciencesEcology and Evolutionary BiologyA Bubble for Trouble: Narial Bubble Rebreathing in Semi-Aquatic Snakes as an Alternate Strategy for Extending Submergence
Downey, BrynnaPhysical and Biological SciencesEarth and Planetary SciencesThe History of Titan Hidden in How It Spins
Feberwee, BartHumanitiesHistory of ConsciousnessCrisis, Revolutionary Subjectivity, and Dutch Council Communism
Gonzales, EdithSocial SciencesEnvironmental StudiesLand-Based Relationships in Urban Agriculture: Insect Diversity, Gardening Practices and Gardeners’ Knowledge of Insects
Inum, ReefatBaskin EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAdvancements in Viral Protein Detection: Leveraging Micropore Technology

Keser, Emre
HumanitiesHistory of ConsciousnessMan/Monster/State: Genealogies of the Nation-State and the (In)Human

Mah Gricuk, Ania
HumanitiesHistoryMining Tin, Mining Herbal Knowledge: Liangcha in Malaysia

McElfish, Maya
Physical and Biological SciencesEcology and Evolutionary BiologyMorays out of Water! Can Gymnothroax mordax Use Prey Odor for Semi-Terrestrial Navigation?

Mora, Ivette
Physical and Biological SciencesChemistry and BiochemistryElucidating the Mechanism of Semiconducting Simple Coacervates via Liquid/Liquid Phase Separation of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes

Pachon, Maria
HumanitiesLiteratureReconfiguring Displacement and the American(o) Dream through Borderland Stories

Padilla, Rene M.
Physical and Biological SciencesPhysicsFacilitating a Multi-GHz Ionizing Particle Detection System Using Diamond-Based Sensors

Paramore, Jonathan
HumanitiesLinguisticsAbstract Underlying Representations
Pandjaitan, YasmineSocial SciencesEducationThe Cacophony of the Mind: How Neurodivergent Students Navigate Their Being and Doing in a Neurotypical College Landscape

Prasad, Radhika
HumanitiesLiteratureHindi Modernism and the Shaping of a National Language

Richards, Rachael
Physical and Biological SciencesChemistry and BiochemistryExciton Transfer Between Extended Electronic States in Conjugated Inter-Polyelectrolyte Complexes

Rivera Hernandez, Brian
HumanitiesLiteratureThe Promise of Agrarian Reform in the Mexican Revolution

Simon-Reynolds, Meleia
HumanitiesHistoryCommunity-Engaged Descriptive Practices and the Records of the Watsonville-Santa Cruz Japanese American Citizens League

Smyth, Nolan
Physical and Biological SciencesPhysicsRogue Worlds Meet the Dark Side

Stoia, Adriane
HumanitiesHistoryHajichi Reclamation in the 21st Century

Sunil Arvindam, Vishal
HumanitiesLinguisticsEvidence for Language Processing Universals in Telugu

Ulbrich, Linda
HumanitiesHistory“My poor little boy, Kerr”: Nursing and the First World War Emotional Regime

Voitiuk, Kateryna
Baskin EngineeringBiomolecular Engineering and BioinformaticsA Feedback-Driven IoT Microfluidic, Electrophysiology, and Imaging Platform for Brain Organoid Studies

Yun, Grace
HumanitiesLiteratureMourning through Literature: Making an Altar of Texts

Zhao, Ke
HumanitiesHistoryGinseng Comes Full Circle: From Peking to New York
NameDivisionProgramPresentation Title
Ayson-Plank, ChristinaArtsHistory of Art and Visual CultureCounter-Productivity as Resistance: Contemporary Art of the Filipino Labor Diaspora

Bittner, Dana-Lis
Social SciencesPsychology“Ungoogleable”: Internet Fixation in the Context of Unsuccessful Online Searching
Boucher, RenéeSocial SciencesAnthropologyWhat Trace Metal Stable Isotopes Can Tell Us about the Taï Chimpanzees

Brown, Hallie
Physical and Biological SciencesCoastal Science and PolicyAdvancing Indigenous Coastal Stewardship through Aquaculture in California

Contuchio, Jenna
Physical and Biological SciencesEcology and Evolutionary BiologyNovel Minimally Invasive Tag Method to Remotely Track Neonate Sea Turtles

ELFikky, Abdelrahman
Baskin EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringNavigating the Complexities: Understanding Non-Differentiable Space Optical Channels
Everson, RosaPhysical and Biological SciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsCosmic Choreography: The Dramatic Dance of Stellar Partners

Fisher, Ellie
Physical and Biological SciencesMicrobiology and Environmental ToxicologyGuanfacine Ameliorates Manganese-Induced ADHD-Like Symptoms: Impulsivity and Sensorimotor Deficits
Gandhi, PiyushSocial SciencesEconomicsExtinguishing the Blaze: Reducing Crop Residue Burning in India

Gao, Xiangjian
Baskin EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringHarsh Environment Through-Wall UWB Communication System

Hebbar, Prajna
Baskin EngineeringBiomolecular Engineering and BioinformaticsGoing Bananas for Genes: Using the Complete Telomere-to-Telomere Genomes of Non-Human Primates to Analyze Genes
Kang, JizhouBaskin EngineeringStatistical ScienceSAVE Lives as a Bayesian Statistician

Kirkpatrick, Melanie
Physical and Biological SciencesMolecular, Cell, and Developmental BiologyTiny Guts, Big Science: Building Models to Fight Childhood Viral Diarrhea
Li, JiayiArtsFilm and Digital MediaGuardians of Oakland Chinatown

Loucks, Hailey
Baskin EngineeringBiomolecular Engineering and BioinformaticsWhat is a Centromere?

Matsushima, Levi
Physical and Biological SciencesChemistryTransformation and Stabilization of an Optoelectronic Lipoplex
McHugh, JohnPhysical and Biological SciencesMathematicsStrong Isotypes

Mindel, Gabriel
HumanitiesHistory of ConsciousnessOn Tumult: The Political Possibilities of the Crowd and its Noise

Peddu, Vikas
Baskin EngineeringBiomolecular Engineering and BioinformaticsTiny Tech, Big Impact: Nanopore Sequencing vs. Cancer

Reid-Shaw, Indiana
Social SciencesEnvironmental StudiesTaking Stock: Contrasting Methodologies for Small-Scale Fishery Management
Rho, AidenSocial SciencesEconomicsThe Impact of Mental Shock on Birth Outcomes: Evidence from the U.S. Presidential Election in 2016
Robertson, EmilyHumanitiesPhilosophyPhilosophy, More Ways Than One

Rodriguez Velandia, Laura
Physical and Biological SciencesChemistryChemical Imaging at the Disco: Pyrroles

Sachdeva, Gagandeep
Social SciencesEconomicsFemale Instructors in Engineering Education
She, YashengArtsFilm and Digital MediaThe Giant Woman at the End of the World
Shieh, HarrisonSocial SciencesEconomicsJourney to the (North, South, East, and) West: Global Spillovers of Chinese Monetary Policy
Simha, SunilPhysical and Biological SciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsProbing the Invisible Universe with Fast Radio Bursts
Valadez, StephanieArtsMusic(Mis)translation and Appropriation: Indigenous Resilience in Colonial Reverberations
Wang, Christina (Mengying)HumanitiesHistoryBreaking the Glass Case: Memory-Making, Imperialism, and Decolonization in Japanese Postwar Museums
Yim, EnochHumanitiesPhilsophyPerceptual Bias and Epistemic Blame
Yun, HyunjinSocial SciencesEconomicsPrivate Insurers’ Incentives in Response to Increased Government Payments: Evidence from the Medicare Advantage Market
Last modified: Sep 02, 2024