Logo for Graduate Research Symposium 2024

2021 Winners

Photo of Colleen Murphy

Colleen Murphy
Physical and Biological Sciences Division
Earth and Planetary Science

Sluggish Slides: Why Some Landslides Never Pick Up the Pace

Photo of Marilia Kaisar

Marilia Kaisar
Film and Digital Media

F*cking with the virtual: Siri, Alexa, Lana and Desire

Photo of Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Parameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Photo of Gabriel Mindel

Best of the Humanities Division, $250
Gabriel Mindel
History of Consciousness

The Invisible Monument to Free Speech, or The Problem with Property

Photo of Lourdes Martinez Estevez

María de Lourdes “Luli” Martínez Estévez
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Spatial ecology of hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of

Video Presentations

The videos are on the Division of Graduate Studies YouTube channel. Titles below are live links to their videos.

Baltaxe-Admony, Leya BreannaBaskin School of EngineeringComputational MediaUC-Wide Access to Basic Needs
Brooks, CharleySocial SciencesEducationHistoricizing Whiteness as an Antiracist Pedagogy
Calvanico, JessicaHumanitiesFeminist StudiesCarceral Girl Problems: The House of the Good Shepherd and the Making of New Orleanian Girlhood
Copulsky, DanielSocial SciencesPsychologyAre Asexuality, Gray-Asexuality, and Demisexuality Distinct Sexual Orientations?
Crouse, MoniqueSocial SciencesPsychologyLearning to Direct Attention: Consequences For Augmented Reality Training
Davis, RebeccaSocial SciencesAnthropologyIntroducing Anti-Racist Pedagogy: The need for engagement with anti-racist teaching practices at UC Santa Cruz
Duff, JackHumanitiesLinguisticsNot without a plan: Requirements for intention in the linguistic representations of complex events
Eischens, BenHumanitiesLinguisticsMany to one?: Investigating how we make sense of spoken words
Foxworthy Gonzalez, JulianneSocial SciencesEducation“I just skip the graphs and numbers”: Exploring the statistical literacy practices of undergraduate students
Gates, MorganHumanitiesLiteratureListening As We Read: Archives, Literature, Music
Goldman, ElizabethSocial SciencesPsychologyWill children help a robot?
Gray, DustinHumanitiesPhilosophyThe Will to Submit
Hedding, AndrewHumanitiesLinguisticsOn the Relationship between Questions and Answers: Evidence from San Martin Peras Mixtec
Huse, AmandaHumanitiesHistory‘She was afraid I would tell it’: Testimony as a Map of Women’s Roles in Reconstruction-Era Ku Klux Klan Violence
Johnson, Ryan
Best of BSOE
Baskin School of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringParameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Kaisar, Marilia
Best of Arts Div
ArtsFilm and Digital MediaF*cking with the virtual: Siri, Alexa, Lana and Desire
Kim, HyotaeBaskin School of EngineeringStatistical ScienceNonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Processes
Laciste, KristenArtsVisual StudiesGoing beyond Griffes: Sapeurs and Their Self-Fashioned Clothing
Martinez Estevez, Lourdes
Best of PBSci Div
Physical and Biological SciencesEcology and Evolutionary BiologySpatial ecology of hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of
McClellan-Ufugusuku, AlexyssHumanitiesHistoryBetween a Rock and Two Nation-States: finding Indigenous Shimanchu traces in the United Nations archives
Miller, ThaïsHumanitiesLiteratureYouTube Yiddish: A Reading from the Novel California Kvetchin’, Inspired by the Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture Online
Mindel, Gabriel
Best of Hum Div
HumanitiesHistory of ConsciousnessThe Invisible Monument to Free Speech, or The Problem with Property
Mohammed Salih, MaysPhysical and Biological SciencesMolecular, Cellular, and Developmental BiologyHnRNP-A2/B1 Regulates the Innate Inflammatory Response in Murine Macrophages
Best of the Symposium
Physical and Biological SciencesEarth and Planetary ScienceSluggish Slides: Why Some Landslides Never Pick Up the Pace
Powell, MichaelBaskin School of EngineeringComputer EngineeringImproving Remote Physical Rehabilitation Using Immersive Virtual Reality
Quinteros, Katherine
Best of Soc Sci Div
Social SciencesPsychologyBuilding Belonging Through Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration
Roy, NamrataPhysical and Biological SciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsBlack hole winds in nearby galaxies
Simon-Reynolds, MeleiaHumanitiesHistoryTranspacific Images: Photographic Representations of Filipinx Im/migrant Communities in Hawai’i and California
Tse, VictorPhysical and Biological SciencesMolecular, Cellular, and Developmental BiologyFragile Exons: The Impact of Disease-Causing Mutations on RNA Splicing
Wagner, KirstinHumanitiesLiteratureResisting Violence Through Collective Atmospheric Attunement
Waltzer, TaliaSocial SciencesPsychologyAcademic integrity at UCSC: Science, practice, and policy
Zhang, JinghongHumanitiesHistoryDown to the Roots: Teeth, Dentistry, and Dental Hygiene in Modern China, 1908-1985
Zhou, HongweiBaskin School of EngineeringComputational MediaBio-inspired Structural Identification of Language Data 
Last modified: Mar 21, 2025