Name | Division | Program | Title |
Baltaxe-Admony, Leya Breanna | Baskin School of Engineering | Computational Media | UC-Wide Access to Basic Needs |
Brooks, Charley | Social Sciences | Education | Historicizing Whiteness as an Antiracist Pedagogy |
Calvanico, Jessica | Humanities | Feminist Studies | Carceral Girl Problems: The House of the Good Shepherd and the Making of New Orleanian Girlhood |
Copulsky, Daniel | Social Sciences | Psychology | Are Asexuality, Gray-Asexuality, and Demisexuality Distinct Sexual Orientations? |
Crouse, Monique | Social Sciences | Psychology | Learning to Direct Attention: Consequences For Augmented Reality Training |
Davis, Rebecca | Social Sciences | Anthropology | Introducing Anti-Racist Pedagogy: The need for engagement with anti-racist teaching practices at UC Santa Cruz |
Duff, Jack | Humanities | Linguistics | Not without a plan: Requirements for intention in the linguistic representations of complex events |
Eischens, Ben | Humanities | Linguistics | Many to one?: Investigating how we make sense of spoken words |
Foxworthy Gonzalez, Julianne | Social Sciences | Education | “I just skip the graphs and numbers”: Exploring the statistical literacy practices of undergraduate students |
Gates, Morgan | Humanities | Literature | Listening As We Read: Archives, Literature, Music |
Goldman, Elizabeth | Social Sciences | Psychology | Will children help a robot? |
Gray, Dustin | Humanities | Philosophy | The Will to Submit |
Hedding, Andrew | Humanities | Linguistics | On the Relationship between Questions and Answers: Evidence from San Martin Peras Mixtec |
Huse, Amanda | Humanities | History | ‘She was afraid I would tell it’: Testimony as a Map of Women’s Roles in Reconstruction-Era Ku Klux Klan Violence |
Johnson, Ryan Best of BSOE | Baskin School of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Parameter Estimation for Hybrid Dynamical Systems |
Kaisar, Marilia Best of Arts Div | Arts | Film and Digital Media | F*cking with the virtual: Siri, Alexa, Lana and Desire |
Kim, Hyotae | Baskin School of Engineering | Statistical Science | Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Inference for Processes |
Laciste, Kristen | Arts | Visual Studies | Going beyond Griffes: Sapeurs and Their Self-Fashioned Clothing |
Martinez Estevez, Lourdes Best of PBSci Div | Physical and Biological Sciences | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Spatial ecology of hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of California |
McClellan-Ufugusuku, Alexyss | Humanities | History | Between a Rock and Two Nation-States: finding Indigenous Shimanchu traces in the United Nations archives |
Miller, Thaïs | Humanities | Literature | YouTube Yiddish: A Reading from the Novel California Kvetchin’, Inspired by the Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture Online |
Mindel, Gabriel Best of Hum Div | Humanities | History of Consciousness | The Invisible Monument to Free Speech, or The Problem with Property |
Mohammed Salih, Mays | Physical and Biological Sciences | Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | HnRNP-A2/B1 Regulates the Innate Inflammatory Response in Murine Macrophages |
MURPHY, COLLEEN Best of the Symposium | Physical and Biological Sciences | Earth and Planetary Science | Sluggish Slides: Why Some Landslides Never Pick Up the Pace |
Powell, Michael | Baskin School of Engineering | Computer Engineering | Improving Remote Physical Rehabilitation Using Immersive Virtual Reality |
Quinteros, Katherine Best of Soc Sci Div | Social Sciences | Psychology | Building Belonging Through Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration |
Roy, Namrata | Physical and Biological Sciences | Astronomy and Astrophysics | Black hole winds in nearby galaxies |
Simon-Reynolds, Meleia | Humanities | History | Transpacific Images: Photographic Representations of Filipinx Im/migrant Communities in Hawai’i and California |
Tse, Victor | Physical and Biological Sciences | Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology | Fragile Exons: The Impact of Disease-Causing Mutations on RNA Splicing |
Wagner, Kirstin | Humanities | Literature | Resisting Violence Through Collective Atmospheric Attunement |
Waltzer, Talia | Social Sciences | Psychology | Academic integrity at UCSC: Science, practice, and policy |
Zhang, Jinghong | Humanities | History | Down to the Roots: Teeth, Dentistry, and Dental Hygiene in Modern China, 1908-1985 |
Zhou, Hongwei | Baskin School of Engineering | Computational Media | Bio-inspired Structural Identification of Language Data |