Professional Resources
Grammarly Premium
The Division of Graduate Studies subscribes to Grammarly Premium, providing 400+ points of grammar checking and a built-in plagiarism checker.
Premium Features
- Checks grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in writing. You can upload documents, drag and paste, or write directly into a document on the site, and it works in most online text boxes, such as emails.
- The Grammarly add-in allows you to use Grammarly while writing Word documents.
- Grammarly’s red underlining is easy to see, marks where the error is, and makes it easy to dismiss the advice.
- Grammarly lets you select American or British English, and you can select a writing genre useful for writing in different voices for different audiences.
- It works on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.
- The Plagiarism Checker is especially useful for teaching assistants and fellows. It can be turned on with a toggle on the home page.
Membership Info
If you do not receive an invitation from Grammarly for membership at the Premium level at the start of your first quarter of graduate studies or at the start of your employment as a postdoctoral scholar at UCSC, contact Sonya Newlyn at snewlyn@ucsc.edu.