Photo of UC Santa Cruz students discussing content on their laptop computers

Online Courses

The Graduate Division has created or worked with campus partners to create professional development videos and made them available on the Canvas platform as part of the Canvas courses Professional Development or Teaching as an Ethical Practice (TA Ethics). Use the link of either course to enroll in it and take its modules in any order and without the requirement to take all of its modules.

Note: First-time UCSC teaching assistants (TAs) are required to take a different version of TA Ethics during the quarter of their first teaching assistantship, unless they took this different version as part of a requisite pedagogy course in their program as a condition of receiving their teaching assistantship. Staff graduate advisers inform the Graduate Division of their first-time TAs to enroll in TA Ethics before the start of each quarter, and the Graduate Division invites those graduate students to accept enrollment in the required version of the course. This version must be taken in module order and has quizzes at the end of each that students must take to advance to the next module. If you are a first-time UCSC TA, have not taken TA Ethics as part of a requisite pedagogy course in your program, and have not been invited to enroll in the required version of TA Ethics, contact your staff graduate student adviser and the Graduate Division.

Photo of a UC Santa Cruz graduate student

UC Santa Cruz Online Course

Professional Development

Slide Design Principles by Sonya Newlyn, professional development coordinator, Graduate Division, takes the viewer through the principles covered on the Slide Design Principles page, using examples. Check Slide Design Workshop to learn when it will be offered during the academic year.

The Graduate Division provides workshops online and on-campus throughout the academic year. Visit the Graduate Division Events Calendar for dates and descriptions.

Online Resource

Slide Design Principles

UC Santa Cruz Graduate Division Professional Development Coordinator Sonya Newlyn takes the viewer through the principles covered on the Slide Design Principles page, using examples. Check Slide Design Workshop to learn when it will be offered during the academic year.

Online Workshop

Using LinkedIn

Christina Hall, former career coach with Career Success, takes the viewer through LinkedIn profile design principles and platform functionality to improve findability, networking, and job searching.

Online Workshop

Writing Psychology

Sometimes we can be our severest writing critics and biggest hindrances to writing success. Learn how to overcome psychological barriers and start writing and about the VOCES Graduate Student Writing Center (for graduate students only)!

Online Workshop

Curriculum Vitae

Applications for academic positions require a CV, and some alternative-academic employers also require them. Learn how a CV differs from a resume, about hybrid CV-resumes, what goes on a CV, and what order to put information depending on type of academic institution you’re applying to and for what type of position.

Photo of a UC Santa Cruz graduate student

TA Ethics

Teaching as an Ethical Practice

Topics include: Situating the Ethics of Teaching; Supporting Student Learning; Equity in the Classroom: Inclusivity; Equity in the Classroom: Accessibility; Equity in the Classroom: Academic Integrity; Responsibility, Care, and Professionalism

Last modified: Sep 02, 2024