Photo of cherry blossoms on the UC Santa Cruz campus

Understanding Your Financial Support Offer

Financial Support for the first year of graduate study may be offered at the time of admission. Some departments may also offer multi-year awards, though the details of only the first year of support will be given at the time of admission. The information below is meant to help you understand your first year of financial support.

April 15th Resolution

The University of California is a participating member of the Council of Graduate Schools and has agreed to the terms of the Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars, Fellows, Trainees and Assistants. You are strongly advised to read the terms of the resolution as this has implications for your financial support.

Tuition Remission

California residents are required to pay Tuition only. Nonresidents are required to pay both Tuition and Nonresident Supplemental Tuition.

Tuition Remission    The amount listed in your financial support offer will automatically be applied toward your university fees and tuition. Tuition remission credits are not refundable and will be adjusted to reflect any tuition reductions or waivers you may receive. Any balance remaining beyond what is included in your financial support offer will be your responsibility to pay. You may refer to the chart below for estimated resident and non-resident tuition.
NR Tuition Remission The amount listed in your financial support offer will automatically be applied toward your university Nonresident Supplemental Tuition. Nonresident Supplemental Tuition remission credits are not refundable and will be adjusted to reflect any tuition reductions or waivers you may receive. Any Nonresident Supplemental Tuition balance remaining beyond what is included in your financial support offer will be your responsibility to pay. You may refer to the chart below for estimated Nonresident Supplemental Tuition.

Estimated 2025-26 Tuition and Non-resident Supplemental Tuition*

Per QuarterPer Year
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition$5,034$15,102

*Actual tuition and fees for in-state and non-resident students are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California and could be affected by State funding reductions. The current fees and tuition figures are posted on the Registrar’s Website.

Some or all instruction for all or part of the Academic Year may be delivered remotely. Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year.

Figures for tuition and fees represent currently approved amounts and may not be final. Actual tuition and feesare subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate. Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented.

Salary-based Support

Research Assistantship Research Assistantships (also referred to as GSRs or Graduate Student Researchships) are a form of campus employment that requires the student to conduct research with and/or for a faculty member. The GSR salary listed in your financial support offer is the total salary for the number of quarters listed, which will be paid to you through campus payroll. Departments at UC Santa Cruz use different salary scales for their Graduate Student Research positions; your salary will be determined by the salary scale in use at the hiring department.Fall GSRs are paid November 1, December 1 and January 1; winter GSRs are paid February 1, March 1 and April 1; spring GSRs are paid May 1, June 1 and July 1.University tuition is typically paid on your behalf for the terms in which you have been hired as a GSR and will be reflected separately in your financial support offer as Tuition Remission or NR Tuition Remission (see the section above).
Teaching Assistantship  Teaching Assistantships, or TAships, are a form of Academic Student Employment (ASE) that requires the student to serve in an apprentice-like role under the active tutelage and supervision of a regular faculty member.The TA salary listed in your financial support offer is the total salary for the number of quarters listed, which will be paid to you through campus payroll. Fall TAs are paid November 1, December 1 and January 1; winter TAs are paid February 1, March 1 and April 1; spring TAs are paid May 1, June 1 and July 1.Most university fees are paid on your behalf for the terms in which you have been hired as a TA and will be reflected separately in your financial support offer as Tuition Remission. TA tuition remission does not include Nonresident Supplemental Tuition, though some departments may pay the balance on your behalf.You should compare your specific Tuition Remission offer to the estimated tuition amounts above to determine if you will be required to pay a portion of your university tuition.

Fellowship Support

A fellowship is any payment to a student that is not salary or direct reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel costs.

Chancellor’s Award StipendA limited number of Chancellor’s fellowships are awarded to first-year graduate students in doctoral programs. The Chancellor’s fellowship provides a stipend of $10,000 per academic quarter and $4,000 for the summer term for the first year of attendance and is disbursed through the Student Business Services Office at the beginning of the term. University tuition is typically paid by this fellowship and will be reflected separately in your financial support offer as Tuition Remission.
Cota-Robles Award StipendThis state-funded, merit-based fellowship is awarded on a competitive basis to first-year doctoral students who have overcome significant social or educational obstacles to achieve a college education, and whose backgrounds equip them to contribute to intellectual diversity among the graduate student population. The Cota-Robles fellowship provides a stipend of $11,000 per academic quarter and a stipend of $4,000 of summer support, totaling $37,000 for the year. This award is disbursed through the Student Business Services Office at the beginning of the term. University tuition (not including Nonresident Supplemental Tuition) is typically paid by this fellowship and will be reflected separately in your financial support offer as Tuition Remission. The Cota-Robles Fellowship is part of a five-year total support package with the Graduate Division providing support for three years and the department providing support for two years.
Regent’s Award StipendA limited number of Regent’s Stipends are awarded to first year graduate students in master’s and doctoral programs. Recipients and award amounts are determined by the academic department. If tuition remission is not reflected separately in your financial support offer, this award will be used to pay that first, with any remaining amount disbursed to you through the Student Business Services Office at the beginning of the term.
Other AwardsSome departments offer discipline- or department-specific award stipends. These are typically disbursed through the Student Business Services Office at the beginning of the term. As with the Regents Award Stipend, if tuition remission is not reflected separately in your financial support offer, this award will be used to pay that first, with any remaining amount disbursed to you at the beginning of the term. You should contact your department for the details of your specific award.

Other Types of Support

Housing SupplementThe campus offers an annual housing supplement of $2,500 for eligible doctoral and MFA students who are enrolled full-time through the Office of Financial Aid until additional campus graduate student housing is available. Read more on the Housing Supplement page of this website.
Summer SupportSome programs offer summer support in the form of a Research Assistantship (GSR) or fellowship after your first year of attendance. Some departments are also able to award GSR positions the summer before you begin your studies. Please note, eligibility for summer support varies based on the source of funding. You should contact your department for the details and timing of this award.
Last modified: Feb 13, 2025