Graduate Handbook
XII. Research Protocols
The Office of Research provides broad oversight, resources, and education for compliance issues relating to the conduct of the many kinds of research at UCSC. Such research activities are governed by several regulatory and compliance committees imposed by federal and state laws. Non-compliance can result in penalties to the institution and the individual. It is the responsibility of any member of the UCSC community – including graduate students – conducting research to be familiar with university policies as they relate to these research compliance areas.
The Office of Research Compliance Administration (ORCA) works together with the UCSC research community to ensure UCSC research is conducted ethically and consistent with federal and state regulations and with UCSC policies. ORCA supports the following research compliance areas:
- Animal Care and Use (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)
- Cannabis Research
- Conflicts of Interest
- Export Controls
- Human Research Protections Program – HRPP (Institutional Review Board)
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- Research Data Guidance
- Research Misconduct
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Stem Cell Research